

09 Feb 2018

A little experience from installing Kivy (Mac)

Encironment: Mac OSX 10.13.3

Purpose: part of install for running some machine learning code (with Python and Pytorch)


(1) Generally, following the instructions on kivy.org was fine. (2) The tricky thing happened when I ran the last step “pip install kivy”. It reported an error “Failed building wheel for kivy”. After reading a few posts online, I found several posts stated that running the development version of kivy could avoid this issue. Then I followed the instruction on kivy.org to run the development version, “pip install https://github.com/kivy/kivy/archive/master.zip”. It still reported some errors. Giving some read and thought on those errors, I guess they mostly were caused by that I did not have xcode installed on the machine. So, I installed xcode and run the install again. It worked!

Nice day!,
FZ at 02/09/18,13:30
