

09 Feb 2018

The experience of trying to install and connect to a mysql

  1. Tried two types of ways for installation. (1) download the dmg (for Mac) and install it like a app, (2) used homebrew to install in terminal this site has good words for these two ways.

  2. The first trick I met was that it seemed the version 5.7 could not work well with the latest macOS. It costed me one day to finally catch this trap. too bad!

  3. I then installed version 5.6. The install went well, and I could see mysql on Mac System Preference Pane. And it was running green. Nice. Then I downloaded mysql workbench, a GUI tool for mysql management. the second trick happened. I could not connect to mysql instance with my account. 也就是说,你装好了mysql, 他也跑起来了,但你就是连不上他,我靠。 finally I resolved this issue by experience from here, though I was not fully understanding why.

  4. Now, I have mysql running and I can connect to it with my account. You may play with it by following the instructions here.

  5. My original try was for working out a node-mysql solution for a task, and really did not anticipate there were so many tricks in working with such a mature database. Playing with mongodb with node only totally cost me several hours.

Nice day!,
FZ at 02/09/18,16:48
